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    The Voice of Hainan: Hainan to make major push for electric vehicles

    南海網(wǎng)"This is Hainan" 英文頻道英語音頻新聞節(jié)目《海南之聲》(第15期)

    This is the Voice of Hainan, from hinews.cn


    Hainan to make major push for electric vehicles


    Hainan province is expected to set up over 40,000 charging piles for new energy vehicles this year.

    It also plans to release a development program for clean energy vehicles in which official cars, buses, and new cars are all designated to begin using clean energy sources.

    Hainan's first electric changing station on an expressway began operating at the Fengmu Service Area before Spring Festival, offering charging and battery replacement services. Replacing a full battery for a new energy vehicle can be done within three minutes, while less than 10 minutes are needed for a full set of services and maintenance.

    Haikou FTZ attracts cross-border e-commerce giants


    The Haikou Integrated Free Trade Zone (FTZ) has attracted 50 cross-border e-commerce companies, according to the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province.

    This year, Hainan plans to place more importance on attracting foreign e-commerce companies to promote the innovative development of cross-border e-commerce.

    Since the plan to build a cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot area in Haikou was approved by the State Council last July, the Haikou Integrated FTZ has been active in consolidating its fundamental development framework of cross-border e-commerce. The zone continues to build up its supporting facilities, bring in investment, and implement innovative business measures.

    The local government has accelerated favorable policies to nurture industrial development, including an e-commerce platform bonus, freight allowance, and preferential storage.

    Vipshop, a nationally renowned e-commerce company, has set up operations in the FTZ. It plans to build a logistics center for Asian cross-border e-commerce, which will cover an area of 70,000 square meters. Local brands also plan to establish e-commerce experience centers in Hainan province.

    In 2019, Hainan plans to concentrate on cross-border e-commerce development and speed up the construction of the comprehensive pilot area in Haikou city to bring in more famous e-commerce companies. More efforts will be made to improve the transportation of bulk goods between Haikou and Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport in Guangdong province.

    策劃:陳書煥 葉海聲

    Responsible editor: 石一涵
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