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    The Voice of Hainan: Deloitte China to set up regional headquarters in Sanya

    南海網(wǎng)"This is Hainan" 英語音頻新聞節(jié)目《海南之聲》(第38期)

    This is the Voice of Hainan, from hinews.cn


    Deloitte China to set up regional headquarters in Sanya


    Auditing and consulting firm Deloitte China will set up its regional headquarters in Sanya, a coastal city in South China's Hainan province.

    Deloitte China will establish a wholly foreign-owned company as the Hainan regional headquarters to provide professional services to clients, the company said. It signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the city government of Sanya Monday.

    The company will also support Sanya in cultivating international talent in finance and taxation, according to Deloitte China.

    Vivian Jiang, Asia Pacific Clients & Industries Leader with Deloitte, said the company aimed to help Sanya attract global talent and promote the international development of the city.

    Striving to become a benchmark in building the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ), Sanya is developing finance and technology.

    Hainan was approved in April 2018 to build a pilot FTZ and explore the establishment of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics.

    Hainan sees more inbound tourists after easing visa-free access

    免簽政策實施后 海南迎來眾多入境游客

    The number of inbound visa-free tourists has increased by 16.3 percent in south China's island province of Hainan since last May, local authorities said Wednesday.

    The province offered greater visa-free access for tourists from 59 countries, a substantial jump from the previous 26 countries on May 1, 2018.

    The province has received 381,000 visa-free tourists from the 59 countries, accounting for 80 percent of the total inbound tourists.

    The visa-free policy has become the top choice for foreign tourists visiting Hainan, the local immigration authority said.

    Over 85 percent of the tourists from Russia, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia and Kazakhstan visited Hainan through the visa-free policy.

    Under the new policy, group and individual tourists from countries including Britain, France, Germany, Russia and the United States, can visit Hainan visa-free and stay there for up to 30 days on condition that they book their tour through travel agencies.

    Hainan has so far opened 47 direct flights to the countries with visa-free access.

    source: Xinhua

    策劃:陳書煥 葉海聲

    Responsible editor: 石一涵
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