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    Foreigners in Hainan: Serbian football coach AleksanderBalog

    Aleksander Balog, Serbian, European A-level football coach, was selected to the Serbian Olympic team when he was young. He won the title of the Best Coach of Chinese Second-class Professional Football Championship.

    In order to better promote the important news information of Hainan Free Trade Zone and the free trade port with Chinese characteristics to the world, improve international communication and connect Hainan with the world, This is Hainan, the English news channel of hinews.cn, launches Hainan's first Chinese-English bilingual online video program "Foreigners in Hainan". The video program will share the stories of foreigners living, working and studying in Hainan with the platform of internet.

    Aleksander Balog, Serbian, European A-level football coach, was selected to the Serbian Olympic team when he was young. He won the title of the Best Coach of Chinese Second-class Professional Football Championship, now he is the head coach and director of the youth training of Hainan Yukai Football Club.

    Aleksander said Spain’s Barcelona Club has cooperated with Hainan to run a football school, he believes that under the open policy of the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone, there will be more and more this kind of international cooperation, it will attract many excellent foreign coaches to teach the teenagers to play football, and bring them advanced ideas and training methods, which will lead to their rapid improvement.

    Also, the cooperation between the world-class football clubs and Hainan will enhance Hainan's reputation in the globe, more and more football fans of all over the world will come to travel in Hainan, this will also promote Hainan's tourism, which will be very helpful.

    Responsible editor: 劉娉
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