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    The Voice of Hainan: Tencent and Hainan will jointly fulfill a better digital ecology

    The Voice of Hainan Audio Series

    南海網(wǎng)"This is Hainan" 英文頻道英語音頻新聞節(jié)目《海南之聲》(第74期)

    This is the Voice of Hainan, from hinews.cn


    Zhang Shuxiang: Tencent and Hainan will jointly fulfill a better digital ecology perfectly


    Zhang Shuxiang.

    "Based on the construction of 'Urban Super Brain', Tencent and Hainan will jointly fulfill a better digital ecology," On the morning of September 2, at the Conference of 2019 Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone and a Free Trade Port Industrial Park

    Investment Cooperation, Vice President of Tencent Cloud Zhang ShuXiang defined a further direction for the cooperation between Tencent and Hainan.

    Zhang Shuxiang introduced that Tencent and Hainan have deep cooperation relationship. Hainan is also one of the first group of provinces in the country to establish a strategic partnership with Tencent.

    Since 2018, Hainan has ushered in a new strategic positioning, which not only optimizes the investment and business environment in Hainan, but also lays a better foundation for the strategic cooperation between Tencent and Hainan. This year, Tencent and the Sanya government agreed to conduct in-depth cooperation in the fields of "Urban Super Brain", "Industrial Development Cooperation", "Industrial Space Support" and "Urban Brand Publicity".

    "From the cooperation of competitive industries for planning and accelerating the development of digital cities in Hainan Province, the strategic cooperation between Tencent and Hainan has become from single to diversified. The cooperation space has been continuously expanded. The ecological perspective constantly adds value for the city development,” Zhang Shuxiang said. Based on the “Urban Super Brain” construction, Tencent and Hainan will jointly build a more complete digital ecology. Tencent will put its digital capabilities into the urban development of Hainan.

    Besides the policy advantages, Zhang Shuxiang explains the reason why Hainan can attract many companies including Tencent to invest is mainly because of its good government-enterprise relations and excellent business environment. The convenient and thoughtful services also support enterprises with what they need.


    Responsible editor: 陳書敏
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