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    Five measures launched to facilitate foreign investment

    Recently, in order to facilitate foreign investment in Hainan, Hainan provincial Market Supervisory Authority launched five relevant measures. The person in charge of the authority stated the measures aimed at establishing a legal, international, convenient, open, transparent and predictable business environment, providing enterprises with more convenient registration services, and attracting both domestic and foreign investors to participate in the construction of Hainan Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port with best resources and service.

    Setting up a service area

    Market supervisory authorities of all the cities and counties in Hainan set up service areas at office hall for the registration of foreign-invested enterprise. It provides one-on-one full service and personalized service for foreign-invested projects to accelerating their process.

    Reducing application materials

    Applicants don’t need to submit the documents of directors, supervisors, managers and legal representatives. Information of foreign investors will be recorded in the registration application. Applicants don’t need to hand on the letter of authorization of legal documents. In terms of the applications that are irrelevant to management rules on foreign investment, they can apply through single window to implement “a set of tables, one window to handle”.

    Simplifying identification

    Foreign investors who register don’t need to provide the identification offered by Chinese embassy or consulate in their countries, but only passport copy and their commitment. Investors from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan need to offer Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents copy and Mainland travel permit for Taiwan residents copy and make a commitment on it.

    Declaration of living place

    Applicants don’t need to provide certificate of legal use of domicile (business premises). The commitment system of declaration of living place will be implemented. Foreign investors need to fill the information declaration form of commercial principal residence and letter of commitment of residence information declaration without providing housing and property rights certification, village (neighborhood) committee certification or house lease agreement.

    Improving consulting service

    The service of online consultation and complaint is added to Hainan E Registration Platform for companies to run online business and it will facilitate foreign investors to obtain the information of registration and talk about their demands. In addition, English service section is added to the platform for foreign investors so that the registration process will be easier.

    Responsible editor: 石一涵
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