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    Hainan medical team restores sight for Cambodian patients

    A medical team from South China's Hainan province embarked on an eight-day trip on Oct 18 to Kampong Speu, Cambodia where they will offer medical treatments to local patients suffering from cataracts.

    This is the fifth time that Hainan has sent a medical group to Cambodian provinces since the free treatment activity was initiated in September 2016. During the first four activities in Kampong Cham and Siem Reap provinces of Cambodia, a total of 2,487 patients were screened and 543 cases of cataract surgery were successfully performed.


    Doctors perform surgery for a patient in Kampong Speu, Cambodia on Oct 21. [Photo/Hainan Daily] 

    In addition, the medical team donated medical equipment worth over 1 million yuan ($140,000) to local hospitals. 

    The fifth medical group is being led by Kang Baiying, deputy head of the Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, while the doctors and volunteers were summoned by HNA Group.

    The team's doctors include Hao Yansheng, renowned ophthalmologist in China, and Yang Jun, a cataracts expert from Hainan Eye Hospital. 

    After arriving in Kampong Speu, the team began preparation work for eye disease screening and surgeries on Oct 19. 

    By Oct 21, 458 patients were screened and 49 of them received eye surgery for eye sight restoration.


    A patient walks out of the makeshift surgery room after surgery is given by Chinese doctors. [Photo/Hainan Daily]


    A patient from Kampong Speu, Cambodia gives a thumbs-up to the Hainan doctors. [Photo/Hainan Daily]

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